Opening and closing hours

Set opening and closing hours of your business

Decide your company’s hours and choose when you’re open, close on no-working days or on national holidays.

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Opening and closing hours
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Manage your schedule

Business opening and closing

Define opening and closing hours and potential lunch breaks of each of your land business numbers, so that your team receives calls only when they’re able to answer.

Vacations and Holidays

When there’s a holiday (Christmas) or during no-working days, you decide where forwarding calls: to the Voice Mail or let your customers listen to your voice message, uploaded or recorded.

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Request the ultrafast fiber Voxloud Wi-Fi


  1. Check the coverage
  2. Choose the technology
  3. Request installation

Insert your address and click on “Check coverage” to check the maximum speed of Voxloud Wi-Fi and the type of fiber.

The connection speed and the prices depend on coverage and the area’s infrastructure.

Here you will find the type of Voxloud Wi-Fi available in your area:

    Fiber up to 1Gb / s
  • TOP
    Same download/upload speed
  • IPER
    100% fiber up to 1Gb/s

Click on “Request fiber” to proceed.

Fill out the form with your details and click on “Call me back within 15 minutes” to talk with a Specialist and plan the installation of Voxloud Wi-Fi

Fill the form and get a free call from a Voxloud Specialist within 15 minutes

The service is active from 9.00AM to 6.00PM (East Coast). We will call you back from +12126600227. No additional cost.
For request outside business hours, calls will be make the next day.