Integration with Eventbrite
Voxloud lets you connect your business telephony to Eventbrite with just one click, centralising the data in a single interface and using the Eventbrite data to help provide a context to your interactions with customers.
This integration allows you to increase business productivity with the following features:
- Automatic customer identification for incoming calls based on the Eventbrite contacts list
- Access to the Eventbrite contacts list from the PC app
To enable the integration, you just need to connect Eventbrite to Voxloud through Zapier or Make: click on “Documentation” to read the step by step guide and start now to use this integration!
What you will see in Eventbrite
- In contact details, you will be able to see all the calls made, missed, received or the voicemail messages related to the contact.
- From the contact details you can easily access the call recording with a click
- Integration of contacts related to contact in Voxloud
To enable the integration, you just need to connect Eventbrite to Voxloud through Zapier or Make: click on “Documentation” to read the step by step guide and start now to use this integration!
Need help activating the integration?
Click on “Documentation” to access a step-by-step guide to activating the integration in just a few simple clicks.