How Aster Software increased the ability to receive calls by +50% daily using Voxloud, improving work fluency and deleting annoying calls on mobile phones
For over 30 years, Aster Software addresses to PMI, developing complete management software for them. During years, the increase of customers has also involved a great increase of incoming calls to which it wasn’t always possible to answer.
For this reason, the company’s CTO has been looking for years (and without success) for a service able to reorganize business telephony, until he found Voxloud.
More incoming calls managed daily
Aster Software’s employers using Voxloud to make and receive calls
Customers finding the line busy
Towards Voxloud
The path bringing Aster Software to Voxloud begins when, in 2015, its CTO starts realizing that business telephony’s management isn’t so flowing.
As a matter of fact, the company uses a simple landline.
This involves the impossibility to receive more calls at the same time from customers, who are so many.
For about 30 years, Aster Software is on the market and it has built a very ample, customer base, especially in Siciliy.
For growing companies, with the customers’ increase, the growth of support requests or simple questions on the correct employment of a software it’s obvious.
And that’s exactly what happens in this case.
And, since the company isn’t able to answer to more calls at the same time, an endless Loop creates.
Moreover, the calling customer who finds the line busy, often calls the owner or employer’s mobile number, maybe in inopportune hours.
It follows a real bother to the work fluency of the entire company.
The company CTO tries (in vain) to sift through the different solutions proposed by traditional telephone companies, attempting to solve the problem.
But no solution seems to convince him.
Either it’s too expensive or too obsolete.

For over 30 years, Aster Software stays on the market and addresses to the majority of commercial small and medium-sized enterprises in Italy.
Aster Software creates management software for retailing and salesmen, developing Apps on mobile devices.
To date, Aster Software, with its management software, is on hundreds business activities.
Before Voxloud
- Phone setup with traditional landline.
- Impossibility to receive more calls at the same time.
- Huge amount of calls received on employers’ personal numbers.
The transition to Voxloud
During a normal web surfing, the CTO finds a Voxloud’s advertisement
Intrigued by it, he decides to get in contact with a Voxloud expert and start immediately a trial period.
He soon realizes the system’s ease.
In a very short time he sets up Voxloud Cloud Phone System at best for his enterprise, finally being able to manage the problem of receiving calls at the same time.
Thanks to Voxloud, Aster Software has educated its customers allowing receiving support calls only during working hours, setting up opening and closing hours on the control panel.
The phenomenon of calls on mobile phones from customers when they find the line busy has been totally eliminated.
Now the customer doesn’t find the line busy anymore and the call stream is directed correctly towards the expertise department (administration, assistance or sales).
In cases of extreme telephone attendance, thanks to Voxloud VoiceMail service, the customer can leave a message that will be instantly delivered to Aster Software’s mail box in text format and .mp3 format.
With Voxloud, Aster Software’s employers can receive calls wherever they are, even if they’re not on-the-job thanks to Voxloud’s ability to be Multi-Branch.
With Voxloud
- Aster Software has increased by +50% the ability to manage incoming calls.
- The company has increased its professionalism felt by customers with a welcome message.
- Thanks to the VoiceMail, customers who, for some reasons, find the line busy aren’t left alone: they can leave a message and see their own support request processed in a very short time.
- Aster Software has “educated” its customers allowing receiving support calls only on business landline.

Voxloud is very easy to set up and personalize. We have defined it “a real godsend”.»