How Tempo di Saldi, one of the best 30 e-commerce on Amazon, increased the speed of the support tickets by +25% using Voxloud, despite the amount of call constantly increasing
Tempo di Saldi is one of the best e-commerce in Italy, steadily in the Amazon Top30 with almost 4000 new customers every week. With the increase of customers’ calls (about 1000 every month) and the opening of a new warehouse, the situation became unsustainable in a short time. So the research of a service allowing to improve the work flow started.
Increase of speed in processing support tickets
Calls managed weekly
Headquarters now communicating through Voxloud
Towards Voxloud
The path linking Voxloud and Tempo di Saldi begins when the e-commerce starts expanding on multiple fronts.
It was time to grow and open an own warehouse detached from the central administrative headquarter.
In the meantime, the amount of call grows at the same pace as new customers, which start to be about 4000 every week.
But the business telephone management doesn’t go at the same speed as that growth.
Tommaso, CEO of Tempo di Saldi, starts realizing he has no total control of his own business telephony.
As a matter of fact, the telephone structure has 5 mobile numbers, one for each sales channel (Ebay, Amazon, Website, etc.)
For every mobile phone that rings, a different sales channel corresponds.
All becomes too messy, especially when a customer calls to know the characteristics of a product, located in the warehouse recently opened.
With the current telephone structure, employers have to take a note, then call the warehouse, asking for the characteristics of the product and finally call back the customer.
But, meanwhile the customer could have bought the product elsewhere.
It’s time to put this caos in order.

Tempo di Saldi was born in 2014 just for fun when Tommaso, the owner of a private post office, gets in touch with a wholesaler to buy some watches. But, since he’s a wholesaler, Tommaso is forced to buy an entire stock, too much for him.
Therefore, he decides to sell the left-over watches on eBay. The result is incredible: all watches have been sold in a few hours.
From that moment, he begins to thing that this could be an alternative to his activity and so, he starts selling regularly online.
Before Voxloud
- 5 mobile numbers given to customers, one for each selling channel (Amazon, eBay, etc.).
- Impossibility of processing support tickets with a good speed, due to call on mobile phones.
- Impossibility of forwarding calls towards the warehouse located in another building.
The transition to Voxloud
Pushed by a friend, Tommaso contacts Voxloud, explaining his issues and the telephone structure of his company.
After the conversation with a Voxloud Expert, Tempo di Saldi immediately starts the trial period.
The results are clear from the start and they’re amazing.
The speed of processing support tickets is higher by +25% than before and, taking into consideration the amount of calls (about 1000 calls every month) the result is astonishing.
Now, with Voxloud, if a customer calls asking for the characteristics of a particular product, employers doesn’t take notes anymore but the call is transferred to the warehouse with just a click, as if it’s located in the same administrative building.
All of this has been possible thanks to Voxloud’s ability to be Multi-Branch.
Moreover, Tommaso can train new employers adequately, maximizing Voxloud’s potential.
Thanks to call recording, now he can hire an employer and give him a great education.
As a matter of fact, he can make the new recruits listen to calls made by expert employers, so that they can understand how to behave with customers in certain circumstances, easily and quickly.
The experience with Voxloud has gone so well that Tommaso has decided to implement Voxloud Phone System in the Customer Care of his other company too, which deals with private mail.
With Voxloud
- With Voxloud, Tempo di Saldi has increased by +25% the speed of processing support tickets, improving incoming call’s flow.
- Voxloud has connected the administrative unit with the warehouse as they were a single unit.
- Thanks to the feature of call recording, Tempo di Saldi has started a top-quality education to its staff.
- Voxloud’s application has improved so much the quality of work that Tommaso has decided to implement it in the Customer Care of his other company too, which deals with private mail.

For example, when a customer calls us to know the characteristics of a product, reachable only in the warehouse (which is in other offices), we can immediately transfer the call to the warehouse, even if we’re miles away from each other.
Before we were forced to take notes, call the warehouse asking for the characteristics of the product, wait and then call back the customer, who in the meantime could have bought the product elsewhere.
I liked so much Voxloud that I decided to open a second Voxloud account for my business of private mail and employers use it more than us... and they’re 10 in the Customer Care!»